The A - Z of Life in Japan
Powered by EFA
About This Site
The A - Z of Life in Japan by EFA
Thank you for finding your way here! This website was born in order to be my creative outlet medium for the Alphabet Superset Challenge by Youtuber and artist known as struthless.
My name is EFA, I was born and raised in Germany, but fell in love with Japan in 2013 which took me on a wild ride that ended with me finally moving here in 2019.
I have done more than one blog about Japan, but this will be the first time ever for me to write texts in English, because I really want to share my experience with many more people - and I honestly just can't shut up about Japan and all the interesting stuff I have learned about it over the years of me living here!
If that sounds interesting to you, well then you're in for a treat - beginning in the first week of September 2023, I will be posting a blog entry every week for 26 weeks using the alphabet letter to decide on each topic about my Life in Japan!
Glad to have you along for the ride!